Bienvenue chezmoi!
This is my very early homepage which I have not modified in a long time. I have added many new picture links, however. (see below) I also have an email link on the bottom, for you to send correspondance and comments. |
This is life up on the mountain. The view of the valley goes for many square miles. Population density here is very low and nights can be dead silent, sometimes punctuated by the sounds of frogs after the rains or insects in the Summer. |
This is the spa that can provide wonderful sunset relaxation especially when yu have a nice kir or glass of wine. It also can be a warm grandstand for shooting stars on a starry Winter night. |
This is the house from the rear. The valley falls off in front making views from below the only ones possible. This is the biggest and oldest California live oak on the property and quite beautiful. |
Mountain storm clearing |
GALLERY (More pages of photos)
The Maldives SCUBA Diving Adventure 2003
Ningaloo Reef - Whalesharking 2003
Ningaloo Reef, Exmouth Navy Pier, W.A.(2002)
Adventures in the Coral Sea - Spoilsport
SCUBA Diving on the Don Jose! 2001
Laguna Beach Pix(SOLD house in 2000)